
Dedicated Server Support

Our Server Management Service helps you to take care of your servers with weekly audits and server monitoring with support assistance. We provide support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year through Live Chat and Emails with a response time less than 30 minutes. Our highly skilled team will proactively check your server health and take preventive actions.

  • 24/7/365 access to Level 3 engineers by email or live chat
  • State of the art infrastructure for complete reliability
  • Software hardening to protect the integrity of your server
  • Monitoring your servers health proactively

The Server Administration Plan is a proactive service which we provide for companies and individuals who want their servers to be running around the clock and always have peace of mind because whenever a downtime is detected, our engineers quickly take the necessary steps to bring it online.
If our efforts are not productive, we would contact the data center directly and request a reboot. All this is done before the company or the individual contacts us reporting the downtime.

The type of servers we provide this service for are:
  • Linux Servers (Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu)
  • Windows Servers
  • Configuration changes
Cloud Management

Moreover, under this plan we would take care of the following:

  • Linux Servers (Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu)
  • Installing software
  • Upgrading software and applying patches
  • Configuration changes
  • Control panel upgrades
  • Log files interpretation
  • Installing/updating firewalls
  • Installing secure (SSL) certificates
  • Restarting services
  • Rebooting by contacting the data center
  • Monthly server reports
  • DNS issues
  • Backup configuration
  • Kernel upgrades
  • PHP Installation/configuration/upgrade
  • Installation of other services
  • Hardening and tuning of servers
  • Security settings
  • Server migration

We also check the server on a monthly basis to keep it secure, updated and optimized. Also, weekly reports are sent to the server owner notifying them about all the essential data about the server. Presently, we’re offering a discount of $10 for each additional server you bring in under this plan.
Under the Server Monitoring Plan, we monitor the server around the clock for uptime, and we proactively reboot the server if any downtime is detected. We accept only five or more servers under this plan.

Available Plans





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